He came to camp
Was different
A bit more sensitive than the rest
Not his fault
He is not guilty of something wrong for that
He was amazing
He stuck by my side
I held his hand
He always saved a seat for me
Right beside him at the table
He would talk to me about anything
He would come to me if something was wrong
He trusted me
At camp for a week, then gone
Found out later
He was living in a homeless shelter
Him and his mom moved a lot
From shelter to shelter
I broke on the inside
The outside a little bit too
I want something better for him
I would change his circumstances
So Im not going for world peace or love
Deal with it
To rid the world of homelessness
Of pain
Of darkness
An impossiblity
But if I could start somewhere
It would be with Steven
I would be there for him
I would protect him
Care for him
Provide for him
Love him
Be the big brother he does not have
This is not too lofty a goal
In my biased opinion.
Steven changed me that week
He gave me a face to the pain
He was the one screaming
At from the nightmares of the real world
I wanted to be the one to run in
Wake him up from the terrible dream
Hold him and tell him
Everything will be okay
I cant do that
This is what I would change...