She doesn’t know who she is
Trata de recordar
How she became the person she is now
Se pregunta millón de veces
But she can’t find the answer
Se encuentra atrapada en la soledad
Swirling through a black hole
Que no tiene fin
Forgetting the most important person
Que ha dejado atrás cuando creció
Her precious little buddy in crime
Quien la mira como una role model
Suddenly fragments of her memories appear
Enfrente de sus eyes
The long-lasting moments when she played
con su amiguito, su hermanito a los carritos
Having races against each other
Como si fueran racing through an open road
Feeling the wind softly hit against their round faces
Pero eso ya no existe
Ahora, technology and their differences
los han separado
Those memories then desaparecieron
like mist from a sprinkler on a windy day
En ese momento ella extiende su mano
Reaching out for the rose petal that
brushed contra su mejilla
Recuerda que tan frágil fue y sigue siendo
like the petal that’s easily torn apart
Su corazón y emociones se transformaron
into a sealed door
Losing her identity through the experience
Que estaba llena de engaños y mentira
Lie after Lie
Her trust and self-esteem came crashing down
Entonces decido crear a alguien
that would take her place
Alguien que es más fuerte y que tenga confianza
En ese transcurso, perdió lo que más valoraba
Her friendliness
Que la hacía feliz
Her innocent smile
La sonrisa tan brillante que hacía a su
heart shine like a star in moonlight
Sin embargo, eso es parte del pasado
Ahora solamente sonreiré cuando olvida todo
Forgetting that she’s still
Pero don’t worry about her
With time, ella estara como antes y
podrá mostrarle al mundo su único y verdadero ser
At least that what others have made her believe
Tiempo aveces no puede resolver lo imposible
It began the moment she let herself go
Porque en ese instante, todo su valor y su fuerza
Por estas razones, she stands behind that door
Thinking that esa puerta es una cortina
which someone will able to pull it down for her
Ella no puede revelarse
Because she’s afraid que ella no este
Esa young lady who she once cherished with joy
Por el momento la he perdido
When the times comes I’ll grabbed my courage
to race against my fear
Para ganar la carrera de encuentrala a Ella
y abrir aquella puerta
Which holds the happiness, the pathway
to pulling down that curtain
Que me liberara de mis cadenas
She doesn't know who she is
Tries to remember
How she became the person she is now
Asking herself a million of times
But shecan't find the answer
She finds herself trapped in loneliness
Swirling through a black hole
That has no end
Forgetting the most important person
That she left behind when grewing up
Her precious little buddy in crime
Who look at her as a role model
Suddenly fragments of her memories appear
In front of her eyes
The long-lasting moments when she played
with her little friend, her little brother with cars
Having races against each other
As if they were racing through an open road
Feeling the wind softly hit against their round faces
But that no longer exists
Now, technology and their differences has separated them
Those memories then disappeared
like mist from a sprinkler on a windy day
At that moment she extends her hand
Reaching out for the rose petal that
brushed against his cheek
Remembering how fragile she was and continues to remain
like the petal that's easily torn apart
Her heart and emotions transform
into a sealed door
Losing her identity through the experience
That was full of deceit and lying
Lie after Lie
Her trust and self-esteem came crashing down
Then she decides to create someone
that would take her place
Someone who is stronger and has confidence
In that course, she lost what she most valued
Her friendliness
Making her happy
Her innocent smile
The smile so bright that it made to its
heart shine like a star in moonlight
However, that is part of the past
Now she only smiles when she forgets everything
Forgetting that she's still there
But don't worry about her
With time, it will be as before and
she can show the world her unique and true self
At least that what others have made her believe
Time sometimes cannot solve the impossible
It began the moment she let herself go
Because in that moment, its value and its strength
For these reasons, she stands behind that door
Thinking that that door is a smokescreen
which someone will able to pull it down for her
She cannot reveal it
Because she's afraid that she is
That young lady who she once cherished with joy
By the time I've lost it
When the times comes I'll grabbed my courage
to race against my fear
To win the race of finding her
and opening that door
Which holds the happiness, the pathway
to pulling down that curtain
That will free me from my chains