I ask you what is a star?
A star can be so many things
To the antebellum bondsman on the run it was a guide towards freedom
The wise men of old gazed at its wonder and knew it by name
Today we study it to understand the age old mysteries of the universe
I ask you what do you feel when you see a star?
A star fills me with so many things
Looking at its multitude it gives me the reminder that there is purpose in this life
Looking at its brightness it gives me hope to live love and laugh
Looking at its coloring of the dark night’s sky it gives me warmth
I ask you who is your star?
My star is a very special person, one whom I don’t want to think I may one day go through life without
She was my first teacher, my first love and my first best friend
She is my mentor, my comforter and and my loyalist loved one
Her name is Esther
She is my mother
Whom I won’t dare live without