The Star-Crossed Lovers of Astoria
In fair Astoria lived two star-crossed lovers that were meant to be,
Only to be torn apart by fate,
Peter, the son of a merchant
And Anne, the daughter of a wealthy horseman,
Two innocent lives taken by those who felt threatened by their pure love.
She whispered in his ear
As the stars in the sky grew brighter
She told him that forever was only a matter of imagination and that wasn't anything to wait for,
But he told her that their love was more than that.
Their love was just as sweet and delicate as rain,
Soft and gentle as the song of the nightingale,
And longing just as their hearts longed for one another.
Their love was forbidden as their families were in a feud that had been going on for a millennium.
Everyday of their lives they enjoyed each others' company
To be dost in their love is like to be lost in a meadow full of the finest roses
That are only to be seen in the spring
For Peter and Anne this was true.
Until the day Peter's father, Marcus, was slain by Anne's cousin, Aspen
Peter was filled with rage and sought to seek revenge on Aspen for the death of his father.
This troubled Anne's heart as Peter was forced to leave Astoria under the king's orders.
That night Peter snuck into Anne's window and they rode off together.
Once Anne's father learned of his daughter's escape with Peter,
He sent his most trusted horsemen to find them,
But as they arrived closer and closer Peter and Anne kissed passionately for one last time
Promising that their love would be indefinite and that the stars would keep them safe
Later the horsemen arrived only to find that Peter and Anne had both taken their lives by poison
And that their hands were held together in eternal death and love.