Stages of Love
Love is a beautiful and complex thing.
IT can grow in a matter of days, weeks, or years.
Love sometimes takes its sweet time,
Or it eagerly runs headfirst
Like a child with pent up energy.
Every love starts with a small crush.
One gets it when their eyes set upon the person.
Other times, it stems from benevolence,
Or a long and intimate friendship.
At this stage,
This love could easily be stomped out
By harsh words or rejection,
But if the feelings are requited,
It grows. Oh yes! It grows!
Like a flower,
Its shy buds open and
Reveal a beautiful bloom!
The couple prays it won’t ever die,
But the couple must understand,
The flower is only the beginning
Or the sad, sad end.
The petals fall and reveal one of two things:
A barren and desolate plant
That only has the memories of yesterday
To confront the poor, broken soul,
Or the love bears a fruit,
A sweet, sweet fruit
For it has stood the test of time
And its seeds shall spread
And start several generations
Of beautiful romances to come.