Internal and external eruptions
of the rotting remains of what
once was.
Bittersweet darkness and bliss
entwined in a
non-ending spiral of destruction.
In an abyss,
letting life continue on without you,
within the blink of an eye.
Eyes shut unannounced to every moment disappearing
by the tick of the broken clock,
the honey-dipped sweetness
that comes with each moment
of opportunity in life;
now missed out
leaving a burning sensation
dripping deep down
in you,
filled with envy over-flowing
throughout the deepest crevices of yourself,
as they watch
with blind eyes
and bound arms.
The rage filled with what could be
forced out through a whispered voice,
shaking a hidden opening. Hope for making the best of it all.
Unmasking a light.
Craving the beacon of heart that comes
hand and hand
with living life with a purpose
to engage
each moment fully.
A warm embrace surrounded by
the rebirth into the knowing,
eyes uncovered to see the light for what
it truly is.
The first breath of truth enlighten the soul,
leaving you tumbling to the core.
Goosebumps invading every inch of your skin
a sensation of elasticity flowing through your limbs.
Unbenounced to the warm embrace
unbinding your arms.
Now free
to walk among the rest of the living shells
complete with the essence of life
and live
in all the moments that surround us.
As we are beginning to experience
each precious moment gifted to us
instead of watching from the sidelines.
Once never to know the true sensation of utter bliss.
Rejoice in the rebirth
of your mind and
soul cleansed,
able to take it all in.