Absolution or Damnation?
Be you a storm of salvation or the most scorching of fires,
You bring out of me my deepest sins, loves, and desires.
Fill me with darkness
Swallow me whole
Suck out my heartache
Devour my soul
Engulf me with water
Enthrall me with wind
Drown me in your presence
Just show me my end
I beg you for more
Release me from my pain
I ask for your thunder
Your lightning, your rain
Just cleanse me of feelings
Wash away the soot in my heart
Bring me to a healing
Where sins end and love starts
Let me cry out the pain
Let me cry out the hurt
Let me bleed out my evils
That run black like dirt
I understand not why you lift me
Into a heaven unknown
Then drop me; leave me
In a hell I call home
The fire is my bed
The flames caress me to sleep
I lay my head in a furnace
My eyes fill with smoke as I weep
I know of my evils
But my heart was once pure
Just as with the deadliest of sickness
I hopelessly search for a cure
I fall in my hell hole
At least once a week
The fire consumes me
You're still all that I seek
I seek out redemption
Your love was my cure
I dragged my heavy soul
Along with my heart impure
I sat at your feet
And opened up my heart
I sat at your feet
And let every piece fall apart.
But when I opened my mouth
All that escaped me was heat
You hid from my flames
I stayed seated at your feet.
I asked you to save me
I showed you my sins
You shielded me off
You dare not let me in.
I fell to the earth
A hard smack to my face
Your upliftings were gone
For the worst I did brace
It's a steady fall into hell
The hell of my soul
You were not my storm
You were simply a coal
You gave birth to my fire.
You enlarged my flames
You left me to burn
As a fire untamed....