Spirit of Autumn
Under autumn sun and shadow
Cool air flows within and without, hands clasping wet earth, surrounded by fallen leaves
Ah yes! Autumn leaves; filled with the flames of summer, and the youthful spirit of Spring
What are Autumn leaves but flowers?
Lay still and hear the wandering voices of the Earth
Feel the many surrounding wavering passions of the land
When the twins of happiness and unhappiness stroll by hand in hand, wave and bid them well
They will grow strong together or stagnate together, and with them, with you
One flashes back to new spring, harsh summer, and faces the looming winter over the horizon
The guillotine is there, waiting for you, same as with me
But that’s tomorrow’s today
But today is the time of consciousness and contemplation of human fate, of human matters
The world is new, and unknown. Full of wonders, and dangers
This is spring
Passions of love and hate rise immeasurably above you and lay harrowing beneath you
This is Summer
Everything freezes and dies, and nothing remains. The Earth forgets
This is winter
The Autumn sun elucidates all this, the human beginning and the inhuman end
The Earth and human whisper a dialogue that demands screams, but is hardly heard
What is heard is the spirit of the condemned who with ever breathe fights the end
With passion for this life dance and sing for a bittersweet today, for tomorrow is an inevitability
Touch the earth in solidarity, and decide to live it all again
Your passions for this life creates your lucidity
And your lucidity your passions for the Earth
Smell the Autumn flowers