The Spider in a Burning Neighborhood
Place deprived of time, paused like a black and white movie
Heat, here, deep in my chest as the spider appears
Flashing, fleeting lights, it makes its way along
Crossed wires and embossed walls that never end
It hides away until far past dusk
To his webs, he must tend
Pink, blue, and purple drip down the sky like ink
Sparks and sirens crowding the neighborhood
Gulping down cider doesn’t slow me, it doesn’t slow the spider down
They wait for me to help, correct, amend
Save others without thinking about myself
His webs, he must tend
Coming back to find webs corner to corner
Hide and seek, the spider only plays games
Struggling with what I created, what he conceived and created
I brush stray webs away, ‘Wonderful webs’, I commend
Working far past dusk until only one is awake
To his webs, he must tend
The embers sizzle and sear through the night
‘In too deep’ my mind whispers, pulling me from my dreams
Broken heart racing, spider pacing, as my vision darkens
Black arachnid crawling down my arm, legs like thorns, distend
Along my palm, maneuvering down my fingertips
The spider spins, ‘Tend’
Small at first until it grows to consume
Fire tearing their homes like sharp combs
Trapped here with the wiry webs engulfing my hands
Fingers shake, stiff, and unable to bend
‘Rescue me first’ voice muffled through the cobwebs, ‘In too deep’
The spider spins, ‘Tend’