A Specific Shade of Time
The time is right.
It's only 11.
You notice the sunrays hit your delicate skin illuminating it to the right color
So you run your fingers through that silky hair hoping it would fall in the right places
But it doesn't.
You notice that your eye color is a magnificent shade of brown
So you play around with your smile hoping it would compliment the way you feel
but it doesn't.
Now what?
Grab a hat, maybe the watch.
What about your super expensive sunglasses that are a little bit loose?
Tilt your head this way... or perhaps that way.
Ditch the smile.
Look as if you were focused on something beyond the camera lens.
It's already 11:40!?
What filter will you choose?
You sent it.
Now you look upset.
What is wrong?
you didn't take anytime at all to send this one
Who did you send that to?
Did the black and white filter do you the justice you hoped for?
Yep. It is 12.
Late!? To be honest who knew you had a job?
What happend to the mood you were in before?
What do you do when you're not Snapping?
I can't really say I know you past this filter.
Maybe it was too black and white.