Speak Out and Break Free
They say speak out. Let us help you, but
Little do they know that what they say can help us might
Just push us over the cliff of torment.
For if people knew what covered our wrist and arms they
Would call us freaks and emos….Hmmm emos you call us this, but do you truly know
What that means? No?
Try the aberration of the very emotions that tourcher us day in and day out.
They are what make us this way,but yet you want us to speak out.
When speaking out will only tighten the
Chains of disparities and sorrows. Pushing us to the point
Of where we no longer know if the pain is real.
So you see this is why we long for the cold silver kisses.
The scent of iron in the air and warm drip of the crimson on the skin to
Let us know that we are not lifeless dolls. That we can feel pain.
For the pain that we keep hidden is not what people make of us .
It is the darkness and silence that covers our courage and strength from
Keeping from us break free for agony
No, do not believe this
This is simply not the truth. So, let us return to where they say to
Speak out because is it not what will push you over the cliff but what might
Just save you from jumping from the beckoning call of death.
Would you really want to leave friends and loved ones with
Very ticking second that turns into minutes hours, days months then years
Thinking if only they would have said something.
Then maybe just maybe I could have saved them.
So speak out I say and break the chain.
Shine in the darkness.
Scream through silence.
Say I am here and I am speaking out.
There will be someone to see your light
Hear your voice
And help you shake off the broken chains and move on in life.