Southern Pride
When I was younger, I didn't like to tell people
that I was from the South.
I was ashamed of the statistics,
couldn't stand the tones of condescension
ruining every "You're so smart" with a
"...even though you're from down there"
that got spit out like it was something foul.
So I hid my charmin' little accent and prentended
that I was a fan of "anything but country music".
I distanced myself from all the negatives,
not realizing that I was feeding into the prejudice
by shaming myself for something I couldn't control.
Now that I'm older I've stopped trying to fit myself
into a box that wasn't made for me.
I "Hey, y'all" with the rest of 'em,
and sing along with Trace Adkins loudly.
And when people ask me where I'm from
I boldly say "I'm from Mississippi"
because that's part of who I am
and I am not ashamed of myself.