Something You Will Never See
The two inches of black above my eyes
another inch below my eyes
the glittery, creamy paint on my eyelids
the thick bird poop weighing my eyelashes down
the pink rosey apples on my cheeks
the scarlet marker red on my lips.
This is what everyone sees
the physical mask I created.
The true me?
I'm starting to forget what that is.
Those kids at my school
with the oversized t-shirts for no reason
nike shorts
driving 2015 Mercedez-Benz to school
carrying Louis Vuitton backpacks
stare and stare at you until you vanish.
I want to be free
chill out
live a life without judgement.
More like people who think
they're better than everyone
stuck up brats
low lifes.
Oh wait
The second I began namecalling
I'm just like them.
I'm not like them.
I have a heart
So I shut up, and not stand up
I create a mask that doesn't look like me
but that doesn't help their judgement
that keeps dragging me down.
I want people to meet me and
they think I'm cute
confident, because
If you're not be pretty
You're nothing.
This mask I created only helps on what I really want to be hidden
features to being a nothing.