Something Missing
Surrounded by a sea of people,
People I know, people that love me…
So why aren’t I happy?
Why isn’t this enough?
And why do I yearn for more?
I have almost everything…
There is nothing to be sad for
Nothing to be mad for
Nothing to long for
Yet I want so much more.
More than what I have…
So much more
Because what I have isn’t even close to enough.
But what do I want?
Who is missing?
What is missing?
I want to cry, to scream, because I’m suffocating here…
Surrounded by people who love me, people who are suppose to know me…
But I don’t know me anymore…
I’m just a numb hole, that feels nothing yet is drowning in an unexplainable sorrow.
What am I missing?
Because something is wrong and something is missing...