---Someone Said-"We Be who We Gonna Be-- For Life."---

Thu, 10/28/2021 - 16:36 -- Wired6

At each attempt,at each try,I take a turn that doesn't bode well.

I always mess up----can we get some coffee in here--

that seems my destiny in life-----can we get some coffee in here--

Having said that,out of the dusty,red path,called a road---can we get some coffee in here--

I see in sight,the right path---yeah right!---can we get some coffee in here---

Out of that dark,I picture some light,but it's overshadowed


                                              overshadowed----can i get some coffee in here----

I'm a fuck-up,I reckon,

since birth---can i get some coffee in here---

Don't judge me though(well,just for a milisecond)----can i get some coffee in here---

I bet I'm the most fucked-up being in this world

More fucked-up then you

And if you're sitting,busy reading me-----can i get some coffee in here---

Busy judging me---can I get some coffee in here-----

Than you'd have 2 judge You----You've run out of coffee---





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