My classmates will admire my strength and ability to make it
Few in this day and age have integrity
Only those with a real vision can do it
a gift not given but earned
only through the worst of times will this arise
At home I would change my sister’s relationship
family is sacred and she will always be there
I can’t let her hate me
I cannot shatter the light bulb
Saving her is what matters
Activities I could do better is focusing
eyes on the prize
to never lose sight of the important things
if I lose sight I may never find my way back
forever wandering and wasting
A sport I could improve on is not of the body but of the mind
To persuade or dissuade to my liking
With that comes true ability to help others from being lost
To pull others from their wandering state because
Maturity and wisdom is what I would want to give to others
So others can experience the beauty I have understood
to see maturity could fix so many petty problems
and make life so much more livable
Something I would change would be my past relationships
I would take back my prideful blind statements
Maybe I wouldn’t have driven so many away
maybe I wouldn’t have pushed so many to shattered so many light bulbs
For my parents I want them to see my better responsibility
I have let them down so many times
I need to fix the image
Time only makes them close to being gone
becoming six feet under
I have to fix it before the clock stops ticking
Materialistic wise I want to hold a true piece of art I’ve created
to see others show emotion so great It makes me feel emotion
I could finally grasp what I’m working to
A new exotic place to see
home to the Greats
so old and birth place the the Americas
The job I would need to continue into the future
to be a respected artist
to have others see me so different
At school I hope to learn to live on my own
to grow to a point of independency
It is a necessity to grow and discover
In friendships I hope to have at least few true ones
I would trade all the acquaintances in the world to find a few true ones
For the earth I wish to help and change the inhabitants
fore we might destroy ourselves
And so much could be wasted or never had
Something for our world is society to stop blindly hating
to oppress the non-oppressive
It makes all others sick to witness aftermath
it needs to be changed
And the laws of time to be changed is a great wish
to beat it and live on without age
to enjoy the fruits of life forever
would be to greatest laws to need to go
But now
now it’s time to stop dreaming
and start working to reach these goals
to enjoy instead of wish
the future is now.