Some addicts are funny, and some are not.
Some addicts are in denial, about the addiction they’ve got.
Some addicts are homeless, and some have a job.
Some addicts don’t care, and live like a slob.
Some addicts are angry, and beat up their wives.
Some addicts go to rehab, and turn around their lives!
Some addicts are moms, sipping too much wine.
Some are our children, and it’s so hard to draw that line.
Some addicts are thieves, and liars and cheats.
Some are the nicest people, you’d ever want to meet.
Some addicts are miserable, and some are happy go lucky.
Some addicts are CEOs, and others are junkies.
Some addicts have families, and some are alone.
Some addicts have recovered, and reached a milestone!
And yet… some addicts die, because of their addiction.
Because those lost souls, succumb to the affliction.
But please, don’t forget, that we all start out the same.
Humanity must stop the judgment, and end… the stigma and shame.