Softball by Hannah Montgomery
There are lots of things you can play
weather sunshine, rain, night, or day.
Some sports require a bat, ball, and glove.
This is the specific sport I love.
It's more than running round the bases,
and winning games and goin' places.
Its practically a life style you cant give up.
If you mess with us, we will show you whats up.
When the bat meets the ball and you're hoping to score,
Then you starting counting the bases: one, two, three, four.
Next thing you know you're sliding into home plate.
And oh my gosh it makes you feel so great!
The inning is over and you're headed back out,
you start hoping and praying for three strikes you're out.
The ball is hit and heads for your glover or mit,
so you catch the ball and the batter throws a fit.
Just as you predict three up three down,
you wait patiently for the last round.
Looking at the score our win is in sight.
We must not give up we still need to fight.
My turn at bat. I hit a homerun,
the whole team runs out and yells "we won!"
Oh how tghe crowd jumps up with a cheer.
Its a shame its my next-to-last year.