why do people constantly care about things that dont involve them. why is my sexuality any of your business? why is weather or not I am having sex any of there business? when did society start telling you whats right and whats wrong ? well someone needs to tell society to shut up, because of society we have people hiding there identity,we have people killing them selves, we have people doing dum things just to fit in this society like drugs,under age drinking,and having sex at a young age. I guess society has control over your future if you find your self trying to fit in,be a leader not a follower make society follow behind you instead of you following behind it . stop and look at your self if your happy with this society then dont speak up but, if you do have a problem then speak up you might not get alot of supporters in the beginning you might just have one follower, but you and your one follower can make a BIG difference so SPEAK up and be heard. I did so I know you can
Guide that inspired this poem: