So Shocked

So shocked

That I’m speechless

For senseless

Rumors that can impact

The rays of the Sun.


This is no fun

To think about

The unthinkable. Run

Run, fly like a day bat

That has been rocked.


It is painful

To fathom

This dull axiom

It is hurtful

This is no fun.


What a shame

Fair game

Is no longer fun

This sorry society

Is full of hypocrisy.


Double standard

Against the nerd

This is a tragedy

For the sake of decency

Fly, run; this is no fun.


Run, run, run

Fly, fly like a night bat

This is what, what

I am talking about

Run, under the rays of the Sun.


Copyright © June 2022, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved

Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poetry.



This poem is about: 
My community
My country
Our world


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