So much to change So little time
What would I change, you ask?
There's so much to change
And so little time to do it
What would I change, you ask?
I'd change the education system
Student's walking the stage
Not even knowing how to pernounce responsibility
What would I change, you ask?
I'd change the size of our carbon foot print
Earth is dieing
Because of us
What would I change, you ask?
I'd change the corrupt government system
Elected officals?
More like elected liars
What would I change, you ask?
I'd change how little we seem to care for one another
As long as it betters yourself, who cares right?
What would I change, you ask?
I'd change how people in thrid world countries live
A life without clean running water
Or access to medicine
Is no life anyone should have to live
What would I change, you ask?
I'd change the amount of money the US pays just to make money
To make one penny: $00.02.4
It costs more to make it than it's actually worth.
What would I change, you ask?
The real question is, what WOULDN'T I change?