So Let Me Ask You…
“Just one more”
One more selfie after 95 others
Only one more attempt to find their “good side”
With another filter, another caption, another expression
Only to achieve the same look as society’s possession
“Be yourself”
Society shouts from every megaphone, billboard, and the mouths of promotional speakers
While whispering cunningly of how the standards are really set
Dictating the unspoken laws by which the public must strive to live by
Or else fade into the faceless, unappreciated mass that refuse to comply
“Everyone’s wearing them”
Size 2, the new Size 0
Size 4, the new Size 2
Everything else fails to meet the same perfection
In spite of their beautiful personality or complexion
Society isn’t about self-expression
It’s a dictated, demanded, yet dignified excuse for cookie-cutter presentation
So let me ask you…
Does sepia make you feel special?
Does black and white bring you back to the old Hollywood era of Ms. Monroe?
Does chrome create a better, more tanned version of yourself?
Does noir initiate a new artist?
We are told a filter makes you beautiful
A change makes you powerful
Winged eyeliner makes you fierce
But when was the last time anyone ever
Realized that society is the filter…or are we just not that clever?
So here is my voice and my version with #nofilter:
Beauty is not defined by the brand, the style, the size
It is discovered when you smile with your eyes
And dance or laugh as if no one is watching
With the friends who love to stay up late talking
So stop monitoring social media
For every like, favorite, and friend request
Because, let’s be honest, do all of their opinions really matter?
Must you try to look a certain way at their behest?
We try to impress a world that could care less about our life chapters
So it’s sad that so many still feel the pressure
To conform to a standard, a specific beauty, a “filter”
Because we are more than society’s limits or 140 characters on Twitter
So I’m #sorrynotsorry when I say
The only thing that matters is your opinion at the end of the day.