So I prayed tonight
November 7.
I know she'll win,
She has to win.
We will at least have a voice.
All he brings us is humilliation.
And he will bring us to our destruction.
I prayed extra hard tonight.
I hope you're listening to our prayers tonight,
Mine and 11 million others tonight.
All I want is a better future,
But how can I see anything good coming from him.
Him, who disciminates my people.
Him, who mocks the disabled.
Him, who bans a whole race.
Him, who is unaccepting to our forward society
Him, who degrades women.
Him, who peope have trusted with THEIR futures and careers
and is the blame for their unemployment.
So I'm praying tonight,
That when tomorrow comes,
I still have a future.
November 8.
He won.
Is this real?
I see all the white privillaged boy and girls cheering for joy,
And proud to pledge their alligence this morning.
I want to too, but I can't.
I goes against everything I believe in.
So I prayed tonight,
I hope he's listening.
I'm praying for my family.
I'm praying for my friends.
I'm praying for my nieghbors.
I'm praying for my school.
I'm praying for my community.
I'm praying for my country.
Now I pray extra hard every night.