My heart beats faster than the speed of light
Tears stream down my face, my body shakes
I tried to hold on to my mind and life so tight
Giving into my mind; a living Hell, a pool of despondency, a lake
Standing here, ready to jump, I don't give it a second thought
To think my life is in the hands of a rope, it coils around my neck, snug, holding me close
I refuse to waste away here and let myself rot
Glancing down, my wrists appear, the scars tell that the past was real
Marks pink, the color of a rose
"DO IT! DO IT!" My mind screams
My life flashes before me, childhood, rape, the bullying, everything
Grimacing, every memory is full of pain it seems
The world is cruel, everyone pretends they are something
Sighing, I know this is my final breath at last
Looking down, I jump, fall