Smoke and Mirrors
She is alone
Not unlike the angels in the sky
Not unlike a fetus in the womb
But like the fetus in the womb she is terminated
But her memory still exists
You can no longer act like you two never happened
She’s graceful like the angels
And a dark angel she is
Haunting your every thought
Your every dream
You hear her voice
You feel her presence
You can no longer act like you two never happened
And that kills you doesn’t it?
Because now you’re alone
In this world all alone
See you were never alone when she gave you the world
But it wasn’t enough
Yet she waited
Waited ‘til she could be enough
But she never was
Was she?
So you ripped her heart apart
You may not have pulled the trigger
But you damn sure shot the gun didn’t you?
You can no longer act like you two never happened
Can you?