Sliding Misfortuned Swipes
Sliding misfortuned swipes glides
seemingly fast through the card hungry
mouth of an EDC machine feeding
bank statements like never before
just have to get that elegant decor
you've been craving for, wanting more
goods to store under the door, the
frivolous soldiers of posession at ready arms
prepared to defend your ego until the debt..
I meant to say death, but to most they're pretty much
synonymous with one another
so keep yourself warm with fur robes of
luxury, it appears to have an affinity to scathe skin
with its jagged edges of envious blades tucked
deep within the fabrics belly
so keep on, ride the economic wave
and wear the fur of blades
for death and debt will always carry
in its grasp, a financial fool away
death and debt wear the same reaper grin
inevitably soon as your soldiers scream out
'MEDIC!', it'll be far too late, the difference
between death and debt is that at the call
of a begging plea for a medic
debt always responds with
"will that be debit or credit?"
sliding misfortune slices away
your pitiful head at the expense
of a debt's reaper grin.
-Julien Grey