Doors without locks
Windows glued shut
One Zoloft by day
Insomnia by night
My week in a mental hospital
After I tried to make it all go away
Don't tell me I'm okay
I don't want to hear it
My stomach cries when empty
But it cramps when full
It isn't a voice in my head
It's an instinct
The smallest conflict
The greatest pain
Physical, emotional, mental
I wish my mom would stop telling me
That I need to go outside
I want to stay warm in bed
And sleep forever
It's the only time that I feel okay
Mother says that's called death
So when I die,
I'll rest in peace
Won't I?
But maybe I won't
I don't really know
What happened to
Robin Williams, Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath
So for now
There's a noose around my neck
I can't take it off
But I won't kick the chair either
And maybe tomorrow
The noose will get a little less tight
And one day
I'll slip out, step off of the chair, and just walk away
Walking can be okay too