Sleeping giant on the Nile.
Sleeping giant, when will she awake?
Laying in the desert sand, will she break?
Her children are left to climb a trash heap. Looking for food while they weep.
So rich! "they" say is her Nile.
What good is it? she been sleeping longer than a while.
Her children cry "when will she awake"
"There has to be some mistake"
"Under what magic has she fell?"
"Did an evil witch cast a spell?"
Why so cruel? Why sleep and leave us alone? Not knowing it's her skin but not her heart that has turned to stone.
"Please mother! Please awake!
"Sleep any longer and our hearts will break"
Under her stone shell she screams!....
"Help me children!"....."It's not as it seems!"
I carried you through the desert fire.
I walked for centuries without tire.
Help me break this skin of stone.
You have each other you're not alone.
Get of the Heap! Band together.
You run 90 million deep!
Have no doubt, don't you frail.
You withstood the harsh desert without fail.
It's time for you to stand on your feet.
It's within you to walk amongst the elite.
Let's get going! this is real! It's not fake!
This is a serious game with a high stake!
Gather your strengths, carry me south to the Nile's lake.
Give me a drink of it's water, so this sleeping giant can gather her strengths and again be awake.