Slave of Love
By Robin
Yes sir master, I will kiss you even though you lied to me
Yes sir master, I will lay with you even though you cheat on me
and yes sir master, I will maintain this household even though you strike me
because I am your slave of love.
My soul will bleed before I leave you and hell with have to freeze over before I turn my back on you.
This relationship has been a plantation and I’ve been working it from sun up to sun down,
I’ve been jumping at your crack of whip of command and I’m tied down my your chain of demands.
I am picking your cotton of burden, strife’s, griefs and embarrassments
so I run, and I hid from your blood hounds of control,
I run but I can’t hide, I flea, but I can’t get away,
so yes sir master, I will kiss you even though you lie to me
yes sir master, I will lay with you even though you cheat on me
yes sir master, I will maintain this household even though you strike me
because I am your slave of love.
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It was nice how you repeated "slave of love" throughout the poem, because it definitely reiterated the theme, and helped the reader to understand where you were coming from.
You have great potential, but your grammar needs a little help, and you are misplacing words. Otherwise, I encourage you to keep writing.