I guess I should just tear you off
Because you seem to want to define me
I guess because I resemble a Hershey's kiss
I'm just as smart as one but half as sweet
Because I look like I'm from African
I can't be angry without being barbaric
Can't be sad without having something life-threatening
Or be happy without being degenerate
Because I am is a colour
If you're white, you are powerful,
If you're Hispanic or Latino, you're poor
And if you're Asian, you're a genius
We're a bunch of statistics in the eyes of the government
And the name-calling and stereotypes make it worse
All we do is make it so that they are right
And it has to stop... because colour doesn't define us
We all bleed red and shit brown
But just because I am brown makes me stupid?
And just because she is tan makes her smart?
Does that make sense to anyone?
Just because he's the colour of the night sky makes him aggressive and dangerous?
Just because she is the color of marshmallows makes her more beautiful?
Well, if that's the case, I don't need my skin
I refuse to be another statistic