
Thu, 05/18/2017 - 09:50 -- 1357281

Rumble, rumble, grumble, stop.

Sca-reech! Hear the gravel pop.

I step off with a pant

Wipe the sweat with my hand

From the back of my neck and go on


The wheels bumping and jumping each piece of debris

I stifle a curse, see kids gazing at me

They shout out, “Hey Skater!” and smile and wave.

Nostalgia tells me I once looked that amazed.


I saw someone living

The dream I was dreaming

With a boldness inspiring

That filled me with envy.


I think back with relish

To when I was that kid and

I wanted to be, someone who followed their dream!

That someone, who I realize, has now become me.


This poem is about: 
My community


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