Sixteen Going on Seventeen
January 6, 2016 at 10:55 PM
Sixteen and never been kissed
You were the boy in my dreams
I never knew
But longed to know
Someone with the drive for excellence
Someone with the eyes
That would guide me
Even in my darkest hours
The eyes I could count on
To be my light
The boy with the smile
That is admired from
Opposite ends of the shores
The smile that could cure death
The voice that could
Relieve me of
The neverending anxiety
The voice that is
As calming as the sea
Late in the night
When the moon
Pulls the tides in
Someone who’s touch
Felt like the first rainfall
In this desert
The soft touch,
The willing touch to hold me
Just for a little while even
The man with the mind
I could explore for hours
Searching for what you love
And why you love
The heart that could love
Like an innocent child
And never hate
The boy that I could never
Imagine actually meeting
And here I am
Almost two years upon
Meeting the boy I longed to know
The boy who would take me home
The one to teach me how to dance
And what it felt like to be wanted
But I don’t have the blessing
To see you everyday
My eyes haven’t met yours
Since early November
As of now
I can only count on
The lonely nights
I see you in my dreams
Your touch I can only imagine
But never truly feel
I don’t know when
We’ll meet again
And that scares me to death