Sitting in a dark room

Sitting in a dark room

music is playing but i only hear the tune

not the words that are spoken

while in the back of my mind

i wonder how did i become so broken

just this side of last year 

i was there and i was well

if you compare then to now

it probably wouldn't sell

i was stable, things were swell

at least from what people on the outside could tell


sitting in a dark room

music is playing but i only hear the tune

the word that are spoken, are not in my mood

to busy in the basement of my mind

focused on my doom

my failure as a daughter, or a women's child

my broken hopes and dreams

scattered all across the floor all wild

i watch them burn till theres no more

where are all those happy thought i used to save you

now that i need you what will you do


Just Sitting in a dark room

music is playing but i only hear the tune

the words that are spoken have no use

i am now hollow and cracked

I've become use to the abuse

while you were full of self hate

you use me as your muse

still in the back of my mind

this is happening and yet I'm confused


all i can identify 

is that I'm sitting in a dark room

music is playing, but i no longer hear its tune

nor the words that are broken

as the blood hits the floor

my vision starts to fade

in the back of my mind 

i lost the game that i played

as my body slammed side ways

hit the edge of the self

i realized i was play Russians roulette with my self

in the back of my mind the person i was talking to was me



Sitting in a dark room

music has stopped

and so has all mental ties

when you find me in the dark

with cold blood in my eyes

please tell my mother

that i tried.









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