By: Dominique Cabrera
The simplest form of love is care
Someone you look towards when you feel no one else is there
The world can crash,
It can crumble
The world still stands
Because that care refuses to fumble
It will climb, crawl, crack before it leaves
You know the person that cares opens their arms, ready to receive
Some try to solve every problem with the person they love,
They claim that because they’re told “because I love you” they need to put them above
I believe if you find that you try to solve a problem with those who claim to adore;
That if your sadness and stress stem from a common core
That if the person who says they are in love is the reason you feel your world shake;
That feeling of climbing and crumbling and crashing, everything about to break,
If that feeling is felt by you because of your claimed lover
Then who is the person who cares for you when there is no other?
That person who carries comfort for your soul,
How do they carry comfort yet they are the ones in control?
They are the burden,
They break your world;
But because they say they love you,
You decide that you must do what they were meant to
If the problems around you happen because of them,
The problem must be your lover
They must be the person to stay and be your cover
They shelter you from the aches and from the pains,
They cannot be the cause;
They cannot be the rain
Those who love are those who you look towards when it storms,
Not the ones responsible for striking you with their thorns