Silver's Arrest
My Resolve is leakin out bullets
and it revolves so must be hand ammunition
I seem to have a trigger condition
Says resolve to the night
His voice rings out across sidewalks and dimmed lights
Then she drops like the temperature of this cold winter's night
She is.
For the dry soft snowflakes upon her figure have been ripped to shreds by the silver lead man
And life rushes like water out from her pierced body
One stream flows from her head
A second, from her chest
A third, from her leg
As she lies, no longer pulse, these streams converge into a maroon lake
Staining the salted black slate
I am the thief of her soul,
And now my Resolve is staring at me
Bringing himself closer unto my abode
He is ready to ring out the same voice across sidewalks and dimmed lights
Ready, that I may descend into her same plight
Resolve and I terry
Then, sirens
New voices say DROP IT
So I do, in silence
Resolve descends emphatically
And knocks on that same salted black slate eratically
Condemned I am perpetually
Departed she is eternally
They will mourn her, naturally
Me they will hate wretchedly
And for ever my Resolve will lurk and laugh at me