The Silence of majority
As you see, this world may not tolerate many of you.
Discrimination is just like a flu.
How can many believe a God,
When their vision is in a fog.
Mouths are shut, closed, in silence mode.
Many of the walking hands are in a fold.
You don't speak out out, you refuse to shout.
How can you proclaim His name, when you can't even mount.
Come in, join the revivalists.
Dont become the silent majority.
Speak your mind, speak out loud.
Don't let fear block out the holy sound.
Become one in Him, and let Him be.
Become one in Him, for you are free.
Let the length have it the way,
measure past up, don't let your faith fade away.
Don't become The Silence of Majority,
Live only for the Sovereignly.