Silence Hurts
Is it okay if I cheat on you?
Is it okay if I tell you goodnight I love you every time I go to sleep
Is it okay if I lie to you and take in every word you say and chew?
Chew in every little thing you tell me then spit it back out like the streets would do
Is it okay if I run my game on you?
I mean I been a player for as long as I remember so why change
Men lie Women lie different day but with the same shit
I’m go spit game until you realize I’m not your basic bitch
Hold up, wait a minute Bad bitch, boss bitch enhance the word bitch now
Please for all the girls that do that sit down and let these word flow into your mind if you allow
Bitch is a word that contains 5 letters, 1 symbol, and with multiple meanings
Females are so quick to pop off at males if they call them a bitch, why?
Because they not a bitch, they’re a BAD BOSS bitch!
Is there a difference? No! So ladies stop thinking that it is. You’re really making the fly you do have die
But now let’s dig deep into the soul of a player
First, look into their eyes makes sure there ready
Then feed their mind to make them fall for things that satisfy their needs
Take your hands and let them discover the things that was once covered
Fourth, use that slicking talking and slit open their chest
Expose their cold, solid, rock heart with their red vein filled with hot cells
Making them cry until their throat swell
Make them see the light and understand that this time they fell
But how do they fall when they’re still standing
People that stand strong fall once in life, and when they fall they don’t want people to see them go through hell
So never think that everybody you talk to is okay
Look into their eyes because their mouth will become paralyzed, their hearts will have a heart attack, while their eyes is call out for help
Break down on their knees. Pray.