Silence of Fear
I don't hide with makeup
Social media? Nope
Don't say YOLO or 'sup
Give it up, there's no hope
Silence is my filter
No expression, no voice
Just to hide myself or
Something else: got no choice
Didn't have filters once
I'm scared of what I was
I acted like a dunce
Set free, did it just 'cause
Try to find a balance
Between my head and what's
Deemed normal: my silence
Sometimes just hurts my guts
When it's just me alone
With too much in my head
I write, think, cry, and zone
What could I do instead
Joy, hate, love, thoughts, dreams, cheer
I wish I could express
But the great barrier: fear
It won't let me confess
I want to yell out loud
And let everyone hear
My pain, how I'm not proud
Anger at myself, fear
But the joys too, the good
What I did last weekend
What I'd do if I could
Make the filter's strength end