Do you see-
what's right in front of you?
Or are you only looking?
There's a difference.
Let your mind be
As open as your eyes
And try again.
Is it there-
Because you see?
Or are you looking,
Because it's there?
Closed minds are blind eyes
And you can't see until you stop looking.
I wonder if you see-
See that smiling isn't always happiness
And anger isn't always hate.
Maybe you only look-
At what's on the surface.
The outer and inner may be one,
But they aren't the same.
When you look, do you see?
There's a difference.
Are you truly Seeing?
Or are you just looking at the finer details?
There's a difference.
Do you fool yourself-
To think you are not so blind?
Or is the illusion of an open mind
Really just a sign of a closed one?
Train yourself to see what you look at,
And not just to look at what you see.
There's a difference.