The Show
The rain hits softly on my dorm room window
Pit Pat Pit Pat
The bright Christmas lights illuminate the white walls
A warm cup of coffee on my nightstand illuminated by the blue screen
My smile illuminates the room along with my ridiculous laughter
My worries can disappear for a moment
Just Once
Un Minuto
Un Segundo
I am sucked into the world of comedy shows
I eat them up by the seasons
One, Two
Tres, Cuatro
And Gone
I am lost with no purpose
I've watched all the episodes
Should I cry?
Should I laugh?
I feel like I'm going to die.
Does this mean I use my time for work now?
But how?
Life is cruel, the ending was too soon.
I need more, just Uno mas por favor.
Eat. Sip. Watch. Repeat
I have purpose I have found a new purpose
I have found a show