Shouting Colors
Some time ago, there was a person.
Who only saw the world with no color.
Yet, there was always colors around them.
The colors were yet to be discovered.
These colors were known as shouting colors.
The shouting colors always wore clues to follow.
These shouting colors linger in the smallest thoughts.
They always linger in the fingertips.
However, they could never seem to reach out.
Many generations past and suddenly there was a spark.
The person finally notices the shouts.
Their waiting excitement was set free.
The colors finally shout out.
Their shouts were loud and proud as a parade.
The world around was no longer colorless.
The person standing had finally smiled from decay.
The world had finally found the shouting colors.
The person is unknown.
Too scared to be discovered.
Until that person realized that their color was unique.
Just like everyone else, they found their shouting colors.