Shit You Can't Say to Your Teachers.
The way you speak to us you see,
It’s just not how it should be,
You get to raise and scream at us,
Then you get surprised when we get up and cuss?
School is stressful and sometimes hard,
It doesn’t help when you turn your back and call us a retard,
You’re mean, and your words can be very hurtful,
After a while they can take their toll,
You tell us to figure out things for ourselves,
When we don’t get you you scream and call us stupid, almost like when Jesus was crucified with nails,
You don’t know, but the homework you give us we have no clue how to do,
Maybe if you would actually teach us, we would have a clue,
You push us to grow smarter and I like how our education is free,
But why does my GPA determine what I get to be?
You give us test, quizzes, classwork and more,
What are you pushing us so hard for?
They say my GPA must be high, do you know how much that takes?
Hey I might drop out of college and be just like Bill Gates.
So maybe you’re the one that needs to sit down and shut up,
Because if my anger was like an empty cup, you have filled that cup up.