She's gone
She's not the girl you once knew,
She's been beaten down; black & blue.
Not by your fists or by your thrashing,
But by your words & your constant trashing.
They say only sticks & stones can break your bones,
But I guess they'res a lot that no one knows.
You break, break & break her down,
You send her self-worth straight to the ground.
But no--you don't just leave it there,
You pick it up again; throw it up in the air.
Then you take a few steps back & stand up tall,
And you do absolutely nothing as you watch her fall.
This happens time & time again,
And all she can do is pray for it to end.
But it's her own fault right?
Everything was set out for her in plain sight?
Well to others it seems that way,
And "She's stupid" is very easy to say.
She was "blind" to what she didn't want to see,
And ignored things she didn't want to believe.
Because she thought things would change,
And the idea of happiness, to her, didn't seem strange.
He gave her bits & pieces to hold onto,
He did & said everything he knew he had to.
She gave up many things,
And tried her best to meet all of his needs.
He didn't appreciate anything she did,
He took her love & support for granted.
But one day she woke up,
& realized enough was enough.
She refused to tolerate it anymore,
She put her foot down & slammed that door.
She's no longer desperate or naive,
And never again will her heart be worn on her sleeve,
She finally opened up her eyes,
& was able to pinpoint all of his lies.
Her blurred vision is now gone,
& she sees what she was unable to all along.
She will never be the same & maybe that's okay,
It's time she realized she can't live that way.
And when he realizes what he's done,
It will be too late, she's already gone.