She Stood
She stood.
She faced her worst enemy. Looked her dead in the eyes.
Even though her enemy's face was cracked and broken, the enemy stared.
A menacing growl came from her lips.
She stood.
Even though she hated her enemy, they both carried battle scars
From years of fighting the monster within,
Here they were. Although somewhat the same, the hatred didn't go away.
I'm not going anywhere... When you sleep here I'll be here, waiting.
She still stood, raising the left sleeve.
When you leave to clear your head, I’ll be still here.
She stood, raising the right sleeve.
“Our battle scars are the same, same place, same time, same manner in which they were received. But yet we hate.”
But we aren’t the same.
She stood. Refusing to let the fire within kill.
She stood, but still hating the enemy. The enemy that she could never get rid of.
Unless. Unless she rid herself of all life, then and only then, would her enemy be destroyed.
But still she stood. She stood until her blond hair turned silver. She stood until her blue eyes drowned.
And the enemy stared.
But she stood.