She Holds Me Steady
She was three when she joined the family.
Energetic, happy, sweet.
I loved her so much
even when she whined
or broke something.
It wasn't that she was perfect.
No one is.
She was young though,
eager to please.
I often refer to her as my baby though she isn't my child.
I would be lost without her.
She is there when I break down in tears.
She tries to protect me from myself.
She worries.
She gives me kisses on the cheek to make me feel better.
She loves to cuddle even when I snap at her on a bad day.
Serenity is my sweet darling
holding me together when I need her and when I don't.
A sweet darling dog who is loyal to me.
She is what I need when I'm alone
or lost.
She holds me together.