
Philippians 3:3-4       New King James Version

3 For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh, 4 though I also might have confidence in the flesh. If anyone else thinks he may have confidence in the flesh, I more so:




Whatever happens to me seems like a fleeting thought

Happiness or sadness will linger on at certain times

They never stay constant, as the flesh brings that to naught

Somewhere in time and space through the power of my mind


The mind thinks it's able to destroy the evil of the flesh

It must be done away with, but that is partially right

All the flesh needs to be processed and regressed

Not just the evil but also the good that rests inside


The righteousness of the flesh deeply belongs to this

It always keeps itself in the center of our being

It puffs up and depends as with outside nothing fits

It does not need any help to manipulate its feeling


The flesh is confident, self-sufficient it seems to be

It speaks to itself and it accepts its every wish

And unless I die to it, things will never ever be

As the Lord has prepared me. It is just like this.


The flesh has no place to receive God’s instruction

It has no patience to wait on Him for truth and light

As long as it deems itself strong, it won’t tolerate friction

It will not depend on God for it thinks to be always right


Is the flesh merely instinct that rhymes self-preservation

Is the flesh that same part that precludes the animal world?

Is that why the world is in love with its own destination

For all it knows and feels with no ears for truth unfurled   


Jan Wienen

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