Shadows are alwasy misunderstood
assiocited with the dark
the evils lurking in tht night
The ons that sulki in dark corners
That hide within the walls
hiddn being tat walk the night
Scaring all the children just wanting to play
terrifing the onesalone longing for a home
Taking form of any object hoping to cause joy
The truth about shadows is a story to hear
they aren't really that eerie
they do no harm to you
They are created from light
not from the darknes shown arond them
they bathe in lightbut still hide
These are our guardians
walking wherever we go
protectng us from evil they only see
They give compay to those who are alone
stay with us till the Sun has fallen
oversee the paths we must take
Our shadows aren't evil
they are not hideous thing in the night
They are the guardians of the day