The Shadow Inside
A shadow is a curious thing.
Sometimes it follows; sometimes it leads.
It’s always attached; it won't ever stray
To other places during the day.
It’s always dark, a shark of black
Following or leading the attack.
It’s a faceless, nameless, nemesis.
A worthy foe, it’s venomous.
All day long, I see it around,
Stretching away along the ground.
It goes where I go; it sees what I see,
And every day knows more of me.
And then night comes, and something
Strange happens. The weirdest thing
I’ve ever seen. The shadow vanishes.
At first I think the might of night damages
Its stark, dark, form, but that’s not it.
The night doesn’t try to evict
The shadow. It’s still around,
Just not as easy to be found.
See, at night, the shadow doesn’t cease to be,
The shadow crawls inside of me.
A true Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
At night, I’m just the shadow inside.