From what we use to think of who we can trust
Who we grew up with, share with, and have with a passion
yet turn into people who are power hunger, greed, and filled with lust
turn against us with action
we can't forgive them
we began to seperate
There are other people in the world who would be like us
yet not in our world today
We end up getting hit by a bus
due to the things they do to us in many ways
we intend to try to forget them yet they always come back
Why can't it be simple to just ran away from them
to be seperate from them
yet we can't, not in this life
will ther ever be a world wiithout those people
is there a thing of being seperate?
yes, only when being dead you are seperate from the world
why be in a world of misery?
where you can be free from all of this