The Senior Coming of Age Transformation
There are some ways I am the same.
There are some ways I am different.
As a senior, I am in the bay,
As the unforgiving tide pulls me out to open waters.
Last year, I was dawn's early light.
Now, I am the glorious dawn on the mountains.
Beautiful and one of a kind,
Blink and you miss me.
Last year, I was more naive to the world around me,
not quite understanding everything, sometimes they just fly
right over my head. I was also less stressed, just
focusing on passing my classes. But, it is different this year!
This year, I am getting ready to fly the nest.
I am the butterfly coming out of the cocoon.
Now I am facing decisions: more education or work?
I also balance everything else as a typical student.
I face an uncertain future in a competetive world
with fears of the unkown and an adventurous spirit.
I await any challenge the world will throw at me,
and I will fight, jst as I have will all the rest of them.
Beware world, I am the Next Generation!
I am coming at you with everything I have.
And I will take you down. You have not seen anything yet.
Get ready, because it is Game. On.